Designing Cities for Mental Health: The Next Frontier in Multidisciplinary Public Health

Posted in Events

March 4, 2021

Dr. Layla McCay, Center for Urban Design and Mental Health

Dr. Layla McCay portrait image

Dr. Layla McCay is the Director of Policy at the UK’s National Health Service Confederation, and Director of the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health. In this session, Dr. McCay will tackle today’s public health challenges with a multidisciplinary lens and discuss how we can design urban environments to help support the mental health needs of communities globally.

This conversation is the second in the Georgetown Urban Health Collaborative 2021 Spring Speaker Series.

Upcoming speakers include:

  • Olivia D’Aoust “Hotspots of Poverty and Contagion: Supporting Cities to Respond and Recover from COVID-19”. March 25, 4:00-5:00PM EST.
  • Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa “Observatory for Urban Health: An Intersection of Health and Urban Systems at the Local Level”. April 22, 4:00-5:00PM EST.

Previous speakers include:

  • Sean Quinn “Planning for Urban Health and Resilience in and Era of Climate Change and Pandemic”.

Launched in 2017, the Georgetown Urban Health Collaborative aims to champion urban health research &development in cities around the world and the Washington, DC area. The Collaborative is housed in the Department of International Health (NHS).

Click below for a brief soundbite from the event. If you’re interested in the full event recording please contact us at